Saturday, December 17, 2016

Ode To Love

Like a river she was  drifting in full moon night
In the midst of the snow of the Persian winters .
Lost in  her thoughts while caressing her scars
In the world she built of dreams and desires  .

Glued to her own tales  of  Love and Longing,
Of broken families and un kept  promises
Little by little disrobing her feelings
She bared herself in the warmth of a stranger.
He held her tight in the arms of his thoughts
As he had never seen a soul so pure
Hooked to her beauty shining with her inner light

In her tender embrace , he found his happiness . 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Infinite Freedom

Waking up dazed , still drunk on my dream 
I could not make out what’s real and what’s not . 
Hangover of some repressed feelings I thought , 
It took a while to make a sense of it all . 

I woke up to the world buzzing with voices, 
deafening in their laughter , screeching in their despair, 
Loud are the thoughts , Louder are the speeches , 
As if the world has gone deaf together . 

Taking a cue I tried to shout with all my might , 
Hoping to find ears  still looking for a fresh beat , 
But alas my voice was drowned and no one noticed ,
Or maybe someone did ,who was too weak to call .

I talk to myself sometimes , most of the time  .
Finding solace in the silence between my words .  
Speak up they say else no one will bother 
Corrupted by the lies around even my  truth sounds fake . 

Friend just come over once  and listen to the silence
Listen to the peace it brings to my soul , 
My spirit flutters to the voice of my heartbeat , 
And my thoughts swim across in infinite freedom .

Friday, July 29, 2016

Trumped on the Hill : My take on US Presidential Candidates

I woke  up with the  news of Hillary Clinton being nominated  by  the democratic  party as a Presidential Nominee . Not that it was any surprise , it was a foregone conclusion  . However it amuses me when I see the  two  Presidential Candidates of United States , supposedly the leader of  the Modern Western Civilization . One is a buffoon , who stick to scripted tagline , Make America Great Again, with no proper policy or planning . He projects himself as a strongman but even after all his rhetoric  about building walls , throwing out illegal migrants and banning Muslims, he comes across more as a comedian than a strongman. But that’s it . I don’t think he wicked , or the force of evil the media  projects him to be. He is just beating the drums of populism which his voters wants to hear and in case he becomes the president he will toe the normal diplomatic  line which most privileged class people do  when in power . One thing which always amuses me about the media reaction to his rhetoric about sending back Illegal Migrants . Isn’t it a normal law of land of any country to deport anyone “Illegal” . Migrants should come for  sure , and I am a migrant worker myself , but if they qualify and are coming to fulfill the  skill deficit in any country. But when you are coming illegally  , breaking the rule of  the land , you come with the risk of  being deported and there should not be any debate on that . Same for the refugees in Europe . But that I will talk about in more details in another article about War , Refugees , terrorism religion  and also Main stream media .

But hear me , the other candidate . Ms. Hillary Clinton who the media is projecting as the champion flagbearer of  everything liberal and progressive  , is a conniving , wicked War Hawk who is  much more dangerous to  the world than an idiot like Trump . Because when she says and  do something , it has to  be taken seriously . She has  made a mess in Gulf  as a secretary of State and world  has become much more dangerous in last four years for common citizens than it has ever been since World Wars . Throwing  out Regimes or  trying to throw out regimes without any care in the world about the aftermath , the chaos , the violence , the humanitarian crisis has been her Hallmark . Calling out for democracy , while  supporting Dictatorial , oppressive  Regimes elsewhere has been the standard US foreign policy of which she is the key player . She and the current US  President is more than responsible  for the chain of events that has led to the current situation . If one doesn’t realize , Arming terrorist groups and Bringing Syria to  civil  War and chaos in Iraq ultimately lead to the rise of ISIS ,  the brutal killing of thousands of civilians , The Humanitarian Crisis, the Refugee influx in Europe , the rise of Right wing Parties across Europe resisting the influx , Brexit , Killings and growing terrorism in Europe , Rise of Trump and militant Right wing and Racism in US as well  as Europe , Libyan War , Yemen War , Oil Crisis due to empowering Saudi Lead GCC to  control the output to weaken Iran and Russian , Financial Crisis by letting banks and major Corporate Giants rule  the  roost and when exposed  , letting them off the hook by paying petty penalties .  How can she act against them when she has taken millions of dollars of donations from these same corporates both  for campaign and for Clinton foundation. And yes , if you are still feeling proud of she being a woman , ask India . Just being a woman dint make  Sonia Gandhi , a great political or Indira Gandhi a great Prime Minister. Their rule as a head of the oldest political party in India , and as Prime minister respectively were marred by Corruption  , Dynasty Politics , and total disregard for  the rule  of the land . . And this brings me to  the last and now “lost” opportunity America had to change things.

Bernie  Sanders ran a campaign on core progressive values of Transparency , Electoral reforms , reducing the influence of Corporate  in policy making , gender Equality , Environmental issues ( calling for a stop to fracking )  , reducing military Industrial complex , against large scale free trade agreements like  TPP , reviewing pro  war  American Foreign Policy , and essentially working for the poor and middle class ,against crony Capitalism and for  the 99 percent and not the one percent . He championed electoral reforms in Democratic party and collected millions for his  campaign from common US citizens with 25 $ donations , rather than generating donations of  $25000  or more from Fund raisers like Hillary dinner dates with corporates. Yes many people call it socialism or leftist ideology , but I call it progressive . He ran a wonderful , clean campaign focusing on real issues than personal attacks and propaganda politics. Had it  not been for the blatant corruption of DNC as exposed by Wikileaks , who knows It  would  have been Bernie accepting the presidential Nomination  . And Bernie would  have been  a straight winner against Trump , as he has a squeaky  clean image and  doesn’t have any skeletons to hide in the closet unlike Hillary . So sadly my dear fellow Americans , you  lost the historic  opportunity to change the course of the American and Worlds  history  for  the better , but alas you blew it , and it’s only going to be much  worse from hereon  . And when it happen ,  I will gloat and say “ I told you so “ .

P.S : I am an  Indian ,working in Middle east but has traveled a lot  .  I have always been interested in World Politics , both contemporary  and Historical . I am single  , so have a lot of free time :) 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Space , Time and You .

Some years that I know you fine ,
Some years that are spent along ,
Looking in the shadows of time ,
It seems another year is just tomorrow .

There is a large space in my life for you ,
Larger than anything I ever knew
There is a little space of me in your life
Shrinking forever yet surviving in one lonely corner.

These spaces doesn't
interact nor they ever will
One is growing out , one is shrinking within
Mine is independent of anything you do ,
Its free from your remembrance , its free from your neglect.

I carry it in my heart with a tingling pain embed
Sometimes I think to kill it but I am too scared to be dead.
Little moments of smiles comes and goes in between
Then the lips get sealed and thoughts choke themselves for words.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Road to Mid-life

In the middle aged road in the middle of the day ,
Sun baking hard , making up for the rain last night
I stand alone scratching my sweaty palms
Perturbed by the fact that this itch never goes away.

Three decades and some cycles of seasons ,past me in breeze ,
But If I am asked to recall the moments, it’s forgettable bunch indeed .
There are little things to treasure , but lot more to reflect
What could have been and what it’s not , but it’s the why that reign supreme.

Born with ticks on all boxes , a name to carry and more
region , caste , religion , country it took decades to drain them all .
life spent stripping myself , I am now tired and exposed ,
drifted in some unknown realm , Guess my life has run its course.

Naked are my thoughts and naked are all the meanings
Though neither liberated nor ashamed ,
It’s the bare walk on a rocky broken road ,
With few grassy wet patches in between .

Found little but lost much more I feared I’ll lose it all
But then as I plunged I found a hand to let me stay afloat.
It never stayed long But it  did help me  find my feet ,
That  little itch in my sweaty palms , is it that hand I long to reach ?

I started moving on that road or that road is moving with me ,
Middle aged with roughed up edges I think we get along .
Drifting away on that little bend you might lose my sight ,
I’ll drag along whatever comes , still some battles left to fight.