Saturday, April 5, 2014

Silhouette of Innocence

Slow down a little my friend  , Take a  deep breath ;
Look for shade somewhere nearby ,Have a little rest .
It’s been years you have been running , Up and down that hill ;
That hill is wearing down now , you still have hours to fill.

Wipe out that sticky sweat , glowing on your forehead ,
The lines on it are growing in number ,Like the crumbs of a broken bread .
Untie your shoelaces , have a little spread ;
Let your ears drop their guard , and eyes close the lid .

Now with me remember  that little one , twenty  years ago ,
Amazed  by the books of mystery and wonder ,
how those eyes used to glow.
Remember how he used to run around ,  to catch the firefly;
And then free them all and look in wonder  ,as they lit up the night .
How he used to make those faces of the clouds in the sky ;
And then feared to look back again , when he caught the devils eye .

you will smile if you remember ,his sunny  days in school ;
how he choked on words and said  nothing  ,
to that pretty girl who spoke.
How he prayed for the game of cricket  to all the gods he knew;
Telling  them to be friends with one another and help him get his due .
Those innocent words rings clear in my head , so much of it was true;
But the little boy is now all  lost , and guile is all you know .

Don’t tell me it’s the way to be , as the world is same around ;
You just have  to do these deeds , nothing else you can  find .
Don’t tell me your heart still aches , when you see misery around ;
I have seen you joke and laugh at will ,  as someone nursed her wounds.

Success is a transit point my friend , it will come and go ;
Life is one that little boy lived , not the one you seem to know .
Look for him and take him back , he is just behind the door ,

Stroke his hair as he  slowly whispers , the key to live once more.