God-men have become celebrities . Millions of people follow them blindly , pour millions of dollars on them and see them as the ultimate solution to everything in life. people say and this we hear many times that these god men are the people are the bridge between them and god. They are the channel through which they will achieve the ultimate moksha, or unification with god . These god-men have their views on everything from politics to films , sports , foreign policy and so on . We see people wonder struck by the thoughts of their so called gurus , like its coming straight from the god . They hardly question the beliefs and ponder over the counter arguments. its a word from god and hence it has to be believed . People tell me that since I never had any spiritual experience in my life , which they had , I could never understand or relate to it . Yes it might be true , I haven't seen anything spiritual , magical , in my life . I like that divine experience that many people talk about . To me , i feel more spiritual and divine when i see a mighty river flowing or clouds hanging over the tall mountains. I feel spellbound and wonder struck by these mighty creations of nature
The sounds of nature are more powerful than any sat sang i could attend.Today no one has time , time to sit over and read the scriptures , time to understand the hidden meaning . Much that has been written in scriptures is metamorphic . It was never meant to be believed the way its believed . Nowadays it's all about taking shortcuts , since we don't have time to know about our religion ourselves , we should listen and follow those who supposedly have read all the scriptures , have understood them in their true meaning , have had divine experience and are messengers of god to pour the knowledge to the illiterate masses . God men and scriptures are not the answers to the vital questions of life . To get these answers we need to look within rather than to look outside .
This sadhu really believes in purity
Everyone somewhere deep inside alwayz knows when he/she is doing something right or wrong . That inner voice many a times succumbs to our ego , our zeal to be successful and move ahead in life . How many times we argue with ourselves that what we are doing is right . The inner voice
never gives logics and provide an argument ..it just gives a statement , a simple but mostly a difficult choice which we usually ignore.
God men will say that its the voice of god , but why should we credit god for everything . Its our voice and we are equipped with it . But how much we use it ,or listen to it , is a different question
altogether.We need to find good men and not god men to sail through this journey called life .
A different take to spirituality
1 comment:
Religion seems to be your fav topic.'GOOD MEN Vs GOD MEN'.The line is so well thought.A very well written article.Though would love to read on topics other than religion also.Keep sharing.
p.s-You are more spiritual than the people whu claim to be one.
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