Waking up dazed , still drunk on my dream
I could not make out what’s real and what’s not .
Hangover of some repressed feelings I thought ,
It took a while to make a sense of it all .
I woke up to the world buzzing with voices,
deafening in their laughter , screeching in their despair,
Loud are the thoughts , Louder are the speeches ,
As if the world has gone deaf together .
Taking a cue I tried to shout with all my might ,
Hoping to find ears still looking for a fresh beat ,
But alas my voice was drowned and no one noticed ,
Or maybe someone did ,who was too weak to call .
I talk to myself sometimes , most of the time .
Finding solace in the silence between my words .
Speak up they say else no one will bother
Corrupted by the lies around even my truth sounds fake .
Friend just come over once and listen to the silence
Listen to the peace it brings to my soul ,
My spirit flutters to the voice of my heartbeat ,
And my thoughts swim across in infinite freedom .
Well written!
Thanks Ahmed
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