A muddy trail leading to somewhere ,
A bird crooning the glory of the morning.
Lonely cricket practising to woo his lady love;
And a body lying still , oh yeah it’s me.
It’s me out there , I can now be sure ,
Still like a rock that has seen the sea of time .
Hairs seems wet , no I don’t oil them any more ;
Have they gone grey , or that’s the play of light .
I must be here for more than a day .
As some of the natures children are playing around on me ;
Crawling over my long face , is a little beetle;
Happy he seems to explore , the things he never saw.
Muddy ,dirty hands have settled across each other;
While legs a feet apart and feet’s looking away.
A little white feather is sleeping on my chest;
Is he a little tired
or is it a warm embrace.
Soon it will be raining , tells the clouds above;
Naughty drops have already escaped the parents’ home.
Will they wake me up from this untimely sleep;
Or they will let me drown in this infinite peace.